Apartments bike storage More apartment communities now offer bicycle storage amenitie

Ever take a shower with a bike? Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But the bathtub is one option many apartment dwellers are now using for bike storage these days because frankly, they have no choice.

That may soon change across the country as some savvy apartment communities  now offer bicycle storage amenities to meet the demand from Millennials.

There are a couple of cultural shifts taking place in America that property managers, architects and builders would be wise to embrace.

First of all, the next generation of renters and frankly, high wage-earners and family-starters are now Millennials - those born from 1981 to 1997. The babies of Baby Boomers. This is the generation that is taking over the reins from the Boomer generation, who are now retiring at the rate of 10,000 per day.

This is the green generation. Bicycling to them is now preferable to driving in terms of impact on the environment. According to the Federal Highway Administration, driving fell most sharply during the first decade of this century among those aged 16 to 30.

This is also the generation where just about everybody in the family was able to own a car. The result? There are just too many darn cars on the road anymore. Traffic is horrendous. Parking is a nightmare.

Pedaling someplace is a much more attractive alternative than driving. In essence, with this generation, bicycling is in. Driving the BMW is out.

Another factor involved in this shift is that the Millennial generation is also the renter generation. They are not so eager to jump into a mortgage like their parents. They've seen firsthand in the Great Recession that real estate does not always appreciate in value (although it is now). So, they prefer renting. That generally also means no yard and no garage. No place to store a bike.

Secondly, there is a real movement taking place in municipal planning departments nationwide to make more cities and towns bicycle friendly. That means adding more bike lanes, bike racks and bicycle infrastructure. In almost every town across the US, transportation officials are adding bicycle czars to help make their city more accessible by bicycle.

These cities are all vying for a spot on the League of American Bicyclists list for a bicycle-friendly designation. Today, it's a badge of honor. And it's also a smart urban strategy because more bicycle riders means less downtown congestion and less pollution.

It's a win-win for all American cities. For example, in NYC after making improvements to the city's bike infrastructure, the number of bicycle commuters DOUBLED from 2007 to 2011. The city's department of transportation thinks it can triple that number by 2017.

This bicycle friendly mindset works extremely well in Europe. America is finally catching on that there is no reason why it won't work here as well.

Most cities also have bicycle advocacy organizations, like the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition or Bike Cleveland. What a great way to get your property in the sights of a large local organization by being known as a place that promotes bicycling for its residents.

So, just how does a multi-family property hop onto this trail and become more bicycle-friendly? Well, the great benefit is that the cost to provide bicycle storage amenities is not a huge expense. Especially when you compare it to a pool, community room or fitness studio.

In fact, you can also use bicycle storage as a source of revenue, like a washing machine. Maybe some residents don't care about bicycle parking. So, don't offer it to them. For others, charge them a small monthly fee. People are passionate about their bikes. They get attached to their bikes. They depend on their bikes. A bike literally becomes an extension of themselves. To pay a small fee to protect their expensive bicycles is worth it to them.

Bicycle Storage Amenities come in several forms

Here are some bike storage perks to consider:

  • Bike parking racks - this is a no-brainer and generally, most building codes now require buildings to include some sort of outdoor bicycle racks. It's also a no-brainer because no property manager wants to see bicycle locks wrapped around trees or railings, destroying the landscape or impeding pedestrians.

Wall mounted bike rack Wall mounted bike rac

Another great benefit is that today, there are so many attractive options in regard to bike rack design that you can pick a product that blends in with the architecture or the environment without being obtrusive.

  • Indoor bicycle storage racks - a true amenity for renters would be the ability for them to park their bicycles in an enclosed, covered area. A parking garage, for example. This keeps their bicycles away from the elements and more importantly, protected from any criminal elements.

As bicycles have increased in price and quality, so have bicycle thefts. Even the strongest bicycle lock can eventually be cut with the right tools. Renters don't want to leave their bicycles outside overnight. They will want to drag them into their apartments instead.

If you provide bicycle storage racks inside, add a simple motion-detector with a light and a camera to monitor the area and deter thieves.

Bike lockers Bike locker

  • Bike lockers - these are basically like small vaults for bicycles. The lockers are essentially boxes for bikes with locks. Again, property managers can charge a fee for this premium option of bicycle storage and protection. Some people like to spend $1000 and more on a bicycle - they will want to store it in a vault. The great benefit here is that the lockers can be added as the demand increases. And they can be placed both inside or outside.
  • Wall mounted bike racks - if space is tight (and in apartment buildings, it generally is) one popular option is to provide wall mounted bike racks. The rider just picks up the bike and parks it vertically in a rack. This leaves plenty of room for people to walk around the bicycles. As a property manager, you would probably prefer that people park their bikes on a properly installed wall mount than for them to add one to their apartment and face the risk of tearing up the walls.
  • Bicycle repair areas - here's a great feature you can offer renters that costs very little but has marketing value. Buy a bicycle pump, a few tools, and perhaps add a workbench and you've instantly created a bike repair station. To a bike owner, this has a nice ring to it.
  • Bike washing areas - this one is also easy. Designate an area with a hose for bicycle washing.
  • "Green Amenities" - the Millennial generation is very interested in keeping the environment green. That's why they prefer to ride bikes. By providing bicycle storage racks and other options, you can promote your apartment community as one that is pro-environment.

In addition, for architects and builders, providing adequate bicycle parking can help you qualify for coveted LEED credits (the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program managed by the U.S. Green Building Council). That also adds a nice angle to any marketing materials.

For apartment communities, adding bicycle storage amenities is a new twist on a very old form of transportation.

It just makes good environmental sense, it's healthy and it's not an overly expensive feature to offer. But to a Millennial renter, it's a feature that makes a world of difference to them in their decision where to live.

To read a Washington Post article on how some apartments are offering bicycle storage amenities click here.

For a complete selection of commercial bicycle storage amenities, bike parking racks, bike lockers and wall mounted bike racks, click The Park Catalog here.