Bicycle Parking Racks

  1. Don't Make Me Lock My Bike to a Tree! More Commercial Bike Racks Needed

    Don't Make Me Lock My Bike to a Tree! More Commercial Bike Racks Needed


    Adding more commercial bike racks will alleviate situations like thi

    It's getting ugly out there. There are just not enough commercial bike racks on streets today to accommodate the growing surge in bicyclists. So defenseless trees are picking up the slack.

    Be a hero. Give a bicyclist a place to park. Give a tree a break.

    According to Statista, the number of Americans who biked in the past 12 months grew from 47 million in Spring 2008 to a whopping 66.7 million in the Spring of last year.

    That's nearly 20 million more people who now ride a bicycle.

    This type of behavior

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  2. Busy Delray Beach Parks and Recreation Department has it all from Pickleball to Teen Recording Studio

    Busy Delray Beach Parks and Recreation Department has it all from Pickleball to Teen Recording Studio

    Custom bike rack donated by The Park Catalog to the Delray Beach Parks and Rec Dept. From left, Suzanne Davis, director, Danielle Pearson, site supervisor of the "505" Teen Center and Christopher George of The Park Catalo

    Delray Beach Florida prides itself on being a unique village by the sea. And when it comes to the Delray Beach Parks and Rec Department, that philosophy certainly creates some unique challenges and opportunities.

    Take their "505" Teen Recreation Center for example.

    They have the usual Xbox video

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  3. Use these Tools to Create Walkable and Bike-Friendly Cities

    Use these Tools to Create Walkable and Bike-Friendly Cities

    Copenhagen is a prime example of bike-friendly citie

    What does it take to make more walkable and bike-friendly cities?

    In a word - codes. Zoning codes.

    Obviously there's more to transforming streets for use by all members of the public. But a change in zoning codes for citizens who walk or bike shows a fundamental mindset that a town is serious about moving away from cars and closer to alternative modes of transportation.

    Why does a town need to do this? Because citizens all over America are demanding change.

    For too long, America's infrastructure was built around the automobile and cheap gas. The country created massive suburban communities so more people could own a house, a lawn and a backyard.

    The problem is that this caused communities to be spread out over large tracts of land. For a resident to buy food, they had to get in their car and drive across town to the grocery store. The construction of strips mall and mega-malls encouraged this

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  4. Gil Penalosa and His Urgent Message to Make Cities Bike and Park Friendly for 8 to 80 year olds

    Gil Penalosa and His Urgent Message to Make Cities Bike and Park Friendly for 8 to 80 year olds

    Gil Penalosa and his message about people-centric cities. Source 8 80 Citie

    If you look at the speaking schedule for a guy named Gil Penalosa, you'll notice he is everywhere. Why? Because his message about doing something now to change cities in the future is resonating with quite a few people.

    In fact, Penalosa will be the keynote speaker at the annual National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) conference in Las Vegas Sept. 15-17.

    Essentially what he is saying is really a no-brainer. We ALL know this is going to happen. How we shape the way we manage what is going to happen is another story, another story that Penalosa urges us to act on NOW.

    Here's the scenario. The population of people living in cities is going to double from 3.5 billion to more than 7 billion in just 35 years. Do you think it

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  5. Commercial Bike Racks Needed to Replace "Sucker Poles" and Prevent Bike Thefts

    Commercial Bike Racks Needed to Replace "Sucker Poles" and Prevent Bike Thefts

    Recovered bicycles waiting for owners (Source: Santa Cruz Police Department)

    If your city has quite a few "sucker poles" where bicycles are stolen, adding commercial bike racks could make your business a hero to bicyclists.

    What is a "sucker pole?" It's a name given to sign posts and other objects that at first appear to be a safe place to park a bike. However, these poles are generally not as secure as they look and can easily be unscrewed from their mountings or even just yanked out of the ground.

    Many a disgruntled bicycle owner has returned to where they thought they parked

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