commercial bike rack Commercial bike rack with bicycle rider desig

It's not often a person stands up and questions the mega-corporation known as Walmart. But when it comes to a commercial bike rack, that's just what one Jupiter, Fla. person did at a recent town meeting.

Walmart is expanding their store in this southeastern Florida town from 128,000 square feet to 165,000 square feet and spending about $12 million to make the change.

Except, there was a perception somebody may have forgotten the bicycle parking racks. At least, that's what Polly Daugherty feared after she reportedly spoke to a few employees at the store who apparently told her they didn't think a bike rack would be added.

So Polly showed up at the town meeting and wanted to know why. After all she said, Jupiter is a "green town."

There is a happy ending to this story. Protests weren't required. Or a petition drive. Town planners quickly assured her that a commercial bike rack is required and in fact, a certificate of occupancy would not have been issued if it wasn't included.

commercial bike racks Businesses can use commercial bike racks with custom designs to promote their logos and brands

But this woman's effort to make sure bicycle racks were available is indicative of a growing mindset around the country. Let's bicycle more and drive less.

Study shows a commercial bike rack helps local businesses

According to Nathan Broom, Bicycle Parking Program Manager for the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, this commingling of bicycles and businesses is a trend that has tremendous advantages for both riders and business owners.

"There's a strong indication that more and more people in communities are getting around by bicycle," he said. "Businesses are responding to that by providing a place to park bikes."

Broom says in some bike-friendly towns providing a bike parking rack is "definitely a competitive advantage and positions the business as a bike-friendly business."

Think about it. If a business provides adequate bicycle parking, their business will be the first place bike-riding consumers will see when they park their bicycles.

With a commercial bike rack, in essence you are creating a permanent attraction for your business. There might be a one-time outlay for the bike rack, but it's not like an advertisement where you must continually spend money every month to draw in customers. A commercial bike rack will do that for you. Forever.

The APBP expert says some businesses have a misconception about how many people are already visiting their business by bicycle and he has also spoken to Walmart about adding bike parking racks. Just recently he met with his local YMCA to discuss adding a place to lock up bicycles and they immediately agreed. The idea fit in perfectly with their whole approach to wellness and fitness.

One Portland, Oregon study shows that customers arriving by bike might not spend as much per visit (one obvious reason, they don't have a trunk in the back of the bike), but that they visit more often and spend more over time.

The data revealed that people who drove to a convenience store, for example, averaged 9.9 trips per month and spent $7.98 per visit for a total monthly expenditure of $79.73. Meanwhile, bicyclists visited the convenience store 14.5 times per month and spent on average $7.30 per trip, totaling $105.66 per month.

Plus, they tend to have more disposable income. One reason might be that they are not spending $60 - $80 to fill their vehicle up with gas.

Rules for adding a bike parking rack

Here are four rules of thumb for businesses to locate a commercial bicycle rack, according to Broom.

1)      Position commercial bike racks as close as parking spots for cars. Even use a parking spot. Don't put the bicycle rack out in Timbuktu on the perimeter somewhere.

2)      Be sure the bicycle rack is no more than 50 feet from the entrance to the business.

3)      Make using the bike parking rack an appealing endeavor, something that is convenient and easy to find. Bikes have a way of finding other items to attach themselves too, such as a tree or lamppost. "You hate to see a nice bike rack go unused," advised Broom.

4)      Finally, make sure the bike parking rack is visible from inside the store or business. People want to be able to keep an eye on their bikes for several reasons. Perhaps they left a helmet or backpack on the bike or want to make sure a light is turned off.

Okay, a business owner might say. I get it. I want to install a commercial bike rack right now, before anybody else in my area.

The Park Catalog can help. The site furnishing company just started a QuickShip program where it can ship out a high-quality commercial bicycle rack in just three days. There is no three-to-four-week wait. Just three days, something that is unique in the site furnishing and bicycle rack business.

commercial bike rack U -style commercial bike rac

There are several bike racks in the QuickShip program to choose from. Want to attract a crowd? Add a 18-bike portable double-sided bike rack. Don't have much room? How about a 3-bike "U" rack or a 5-bike "Wave" rack? Those items can be in front of a business attracting riders in just three days.

If a business owner wants to check out other possibilities, including decorative bike racks in the shape of dinosaurs or even a bicycle, The Park Catalog has them.

To add more branding impact to any commercial bicycle rack, also consider adding a logo. Every time that person parks their bike or even walks by, they are going to be reminded of your business. That's powerful.

That's a message that your business supports bicycle enthusiasts, supports "green" commuting and supports the idea of creating less congestion and smog downtown.

Bicycling to businesses, according to Broom, "is growing in perception, growing in statistics and growing in interest from users. There really is a groundswell of enthusiasm."

Years ago, perhaps that concern from one woman in Jupiter, Fla., would not have been heard by a business or town officials. Brushed off. Ignored.

But in today's pro-green, pro-exercise, pro-bicycle culture, savvy businesses will pay attention to this movement. Adding a commercial bike rack is a great way to attract customers and create an image in the mind of bicycling consumers that this enterprise is on their side.

For a commercial bike rack see the large selection offered at,

 To learn about The Park Catalog's bike rack QuickShip program, click here.

To read the discussion about bicycle racks at the Walmart in Jupiter, Fla., click here.

Here is the Portland State University study on how bicycling customers spend more.