dog park equipment Here's a fun space with fun dog park equipmen

This Sunday, Feb. 22, is National Walking the Dog Day and to maximize the benefits for Max and Fido, owners are going to be on the lookout for the right park with the right amount of dog park equipment.

And park managers would be smart to offer it.

After all, there are about 80 million canines in the US. It is estimated that from 37%-47% of all households have a pet dog. That means nearly half of local residents have a dog at home that is just itching to get out of the house and play on that day. According to the National Recreation and Parks Association, there are 1,200 dog parks in the US. During a five year period after 2005, dog parks grew a whopping 34% in our biggest cities.

This national event is the perfect time to promote the canine benefits of any local park. Or, it's the perfect time to pitch adding more dog park equipment to a select number of parks and immediately meet the pet needs of nearly half the population.

Here's the challenge pet owners face and here are the possible solutions they will find in a dog park with the right amenities.

First of all, dogs are not meant to sit and sleep all day. They are designed to run, explore and socialize with other dogs. In older times, their ancestors hunted, herded and guarded on a full-time basis. This kept them very busy…and worn out.

But today's dogs generally don't get much daily exercise. Their owners are either at work, at school or too exhausted or distracted themselves when they come home to give a dog a workout.

Weekends however, are ideal times to get dogs and humans outside, breathing fresh air, expending energy and meeting fellow members of their species.

The ideal dog park equipment in the ideal space

Here is the type of dog park equipment people should seek for the perfect spot to take Spot to burn up all that excess pep in his DNA. (List created with some assistance from the ASPCA):

  • Fencing: The great benefit of a dog park is that this is a place where an owner can unleash their pet and let them run around without any worries. So the fencing needs to be adequate to contain Buddy and not let him slip through a hole and decide to explore the entire neighborhood.
  • Double gating: This is the perfect setup for people entering and exiting a dog park. A double gate with an inside holding area allows a person to walk in without allowing a fast Fido to bolt out, leaving an owner alone and worried.
  • Dog waste stations: This is an essential part of any dog park equipment whether it's for a designated pet area or a park in general where dog walking is allowed. Make sure there are plenty of pet waste stations and plenty of dog poop bags. Dog waste is not only unsightly and odorous but it is also slippery and hazardous.
  • Drinking fountains: Daisy will be chasing Toby around for a long time and when Daisy stops to take a break, she is going to be thirsty. Owners will be thirsty as well from watching all the antics of their pets. Drinking fountains for dogs AND humans are a must with it comes to dog park equipment.

    dog drinking fountain Dog drinking fountai

  • Benches and shade: When it comes to dog park equipment, don't forget the dog owners. Tucker and Princess will have so much fun outside of the confines of their home, that they are will not want to leave for a long, long time. An adequate number of benches would be welcome by the pet parents. This also gives them a chance to socialize with other dog owners. But you want benches that are thermoplastic-coated and impervious to urine, in case Tucker and Princess decide they want to hang out on the bench as well.
  • Dog agility equipment: This is the ultimate when it comes to providing Bentley and Zoey with a fun experience. A dog park that features hoops, teeter totters, weave posts, stepping platforms and jumps is like Disneyland to a dog. Adding this level of dog park equipment will become an instant hit with the populace. Essentially, it's like creating a playground for children. And as you know, many people treat their dogs as if they are their kids.
  • Signs with rules: Just like a playground for children, functional dog parks will display signs clearly stating all the rules. For example, a dog park doesn't mean this is a free zone for dog poop. It still has to be picked up by the owner. Or, if Bella doesn't play well with other dogs, it's not up to Bella to correct the situation or for the other dogs to change their attitudes. That's the responsibility of Bella's owner. And, if Cooper seemed to have so much fun running around without a leash, it doesn't mean he can continue to do so outside of the dog park.

dog park equipment bench A bench is an important park of dog park equipment for any area because it addresses the needs of owners and helps them socialize with one another

Our once-active lifestyles have changed. Do you want to know why Apple computer is now worth $700 billion? Because more than ever people are constantly engaged with their laptops, tablets and smartphones. We are spending more time on more devices.

Unfortunately, Cody, Roxy, Winston, Lady, Gus, Abby and the millions of other dogs out there don't have an iPad to use as an outlet for entertainment or all their pent-up natural energy. They need to be walked. Considering the sedentary lifestyle of most Americans, today, their owners need to be walking as well.

Finding or creating a space with top-notch dog park equipment will keep scores of both canines and humans happy. National Walking the Dog Day is not meant to be a one-time endeavor, but to serve as a reminder to get out of the house more often and do what comes naturally to both dogs and people.

Here is information from the ASPCA on dog parks.