commercial park benches

  1. Commercial Park Benches - Exciting New Options For Landscape Architects, Designers And Facility Managers

    Commercial Park Benches - Exciting New Options For Landscape Architects, Designers And Facility Managers

    Commercial park benches are now reaching the market in new contemporary designs, such as this Pasadena Bench

    Commercial Park Benches are pushing new boundaries when it comes to innovative designs for outdoor environments.

    Now might be a good time for landscape architects, designers and facility managers to take a look at some of the options available to them.

    Let's start with design. A park bench doesn't have to look like an old-fashioned park bench. One example of the classic look is the Art Deco World's Fair park bench you might find in Central Park. Those benches display a more traditional Victorian appearance with wooden slats and iron hoop armrests.

    Commercial park benches with contemporary designs

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  2. Commercial Park Benches Available In Contemporary (And Less Costly) Aluminum Models

    Commercial Park Benches Available In Contemporary (And Less Costly) Aluminum Models

    Commercial Park Benches come in many varieties, but one of the alternatives many people overlook are aluminum benches.

    Sure, at most parks and facilities you see metal benches or seating made with wood, cement or recycled plastic.

    But aluminum is an incredible metal.  For one, there's plenty of it. In fact, Aluminum is the third most prevalent element on earth (after oxygen and silicon). It is the most used non-ferrous metal.

    Secondly, this metal possesses some amazing qualities.

    While it is lightweight, it is also very strong.

    Unlike steel, this metal does not rust and resists corrosion.

    Third, when heated in a smelter, aluminum is malleable and easy to fabricate into different shapes. That also means it can be manufactured with more refined and precise tolerances.

    Finally, because there is so much of this element and it's easy to change, products made from aluminum are less costly. Think of all those aluminum soda and

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  3. Enjoy A Healthy Boost By Sitting On Park Benches Or Walking In The Great Outdoors

    Enjoy A Healthy Boost By Sitting On Park Benches Or Walking In The Great Outdoors

    Get outside and spend some time going for walks or relaxing on park benches. Researchers have documented several ways nature is good for your health

    Can sitting outside on park benches make you healthier?

    Can standing under a tree make you happier?

    Can walking in the woods calm you down?

    Are you looking to have more energy, less stress, better focus, and greater immunity paired with faster recovery times?

    You may think it would take a miracle medicine to accomplish all of that in one setting.

    But it turns out that there is a simple supplement that produces all of these benefits - spending time in nature.

    Whether you live close to the ocean, mountains, or forests - or just a greenspace lined with park benches - you can tap into the power that nature has to restore and rejuvenate your health and energy.

    Here are the facts on why

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  4. Hey Congress, Why Not Help Out a Park?

    Hey Congress, Why Not Help Out a Park?

    Grand Canyon National Park is one of many parks in need of funding. Source: NP

    National parks are in trouble. According to park officials, there is an $11 billion backlog of work that needs to be done. That means there is a need for more park benches, roads, charcoal grills and

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