bike rooms

  1. Six Ways Property Managers of Apartments, Offices And Parks Can Generate Extra Fees

    Six Ways Property Managers of Apartments, Offices And Parks Can Generate Extra Fees

    Bicycle commuters are willing to pay extra fees for secure, indoor bike rooms

    One of the best ways to offer more amenities to guests and residents while also growing business is by establishing fees for extra services. People are willing to pay for additional features and understand that the fees go towards administrative costs.

    Charging additional fees is a viable path for growing your business. It provides additional income to put back into the property, allowing it to stay up-to-date and in tip-top shape. These new upgrades make it appealing for visitors from younger demographics to revisit your facility and, better yet, bring their friends.

    These are also known as ancillary-revenue programs—or any revenue outside

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  2. Guide to Earning LEED Credits for Bicycle Facilities such as Commercial Bike Racks and Bike Rooms

    Guide to Earning LEED Credits for Bicycle Facilities such as Commercial Bike Racks and Bike Rooms

    A couple lock their bikes to commercial bike racks near a facility. Developers can earn LEED credits for adding bicycle parking racks to their apartment or office buildings

    Did you know that you can earn LEED credits for  providing commercial bike racks at your facility?

    LEED is a highly recognized third-party verification program for green buildings—it stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Its innovations are changing the way people think about planning and constructing buildings. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, an incredible 1.85 million square feet of space is certified daily.

    Property managers, homeowners, CEOs of businesses, and all kinds of people are interested in earning LEED credits with a

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  3. Eliminating Obstacles to Increased Bike Commuting

    Eliminating Obstacles to Increased Bike Commuting

    Bike commuter - cities are trying to find ways to accommodate and encourage this form of transportation over automobiles and mass transit

    By Gerald Dlubala

    "The increased number of bike users is very encouraging, given the less than ideal, and sometimes downright dangerous conditions, having to compete with extremely heavy motor vehicle traffic. But given the opportunity, people will take to the streets by bicycle."

    That's the findings of a recent study, (October 2015), performed by Transportation Alternatives, a street safety advocacy group in New York.

    Their study echoes many of the studies performed in major metropolitan areas on the topic of bicycle and pedestrian traffic, generally showing that the public has definite interest in bicycle

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  4. Potential Bicycle Trends We're Excited About in 2017

    Potential Bicycle Trends We're Excited About in 2017


    The trend continues - more cities are creating bicycle master plans, investing in bike infrastructure and requiring bike rooms in new buildings

    There's no doubt about it - bicycling infrastructure continues to grow in America as we see more bicycle master plans,  bike lanes, bike-share programs, bicycle racks, bike rooms and bike laws.

    According to the Census Bureau, 43 of the 70 largest cities in the US saw an increase in 2015 in bike

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  5. Large Multifamily Company in SoCal Creates Bike Rooms with "High-Tech" UpLift Bike Docks

    Large Multifamily Company in SoCal Creates Bike Rooms with "High-Tech" UpLift Bike Docks

    The newly renovated bike room in the Waterstone building featuring UpLift bike docks

    More people are riding bicycles today and if you want to impress residents at multifamily communities, one way to do that is by adding a stylish bike room with cool bike docks.

    That's what RW Selby & Company accomplished recently at their Waterstone Metro apartment complex on Castle Heights in Los Angeles, CA.

    Previously, the 130-unit apartment building had an older bike area with a used bike rack. According to project manager Skylar Perkins, this created an uninviting,

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